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Letter to Commander Nnamdi Kanu, the ‪#‎IPOB‬ Leader World-Wide

Letter to Commander Nnamdi Kanu, the ‪#‎IPOB‬ Leader World-Wide By Adubabari Mankie-tanen I Greet you from my Heart. I am an Ogoni, ...

Letter to Commander Nnamdi Kanu, the ‪#‎IPOB‬ Leader World-Wide

By Adubabari Mankie-tanen

I Greet you from my Heart.
I am an Ogoni, a Zionist and a J.P. I actively follow you on twitter @MankieEsq. My expressed Positions on the Political Contraption called Nigeria, which I hold to be a FRAUD, are there for you to see. I have no doubt in my Mind that Biafra will Succeed. This is because LIES cannot stand the POWER of TRUTH. Nigerian Leaders are relying heavily on LIES and Falsehood. Nigeria, to my knowledge, is the only place under the SUN where States and Local Government Areas[basically created by the Military, not based on Economic viability, but for Political Domination by the North and Economic drain Pipes] gather Monthly to SHARE Oil Revenue, without Work or Production, which is the Source of CORRUPTION. This CANNOT be sustain for long anymore and so the ZOO Must Fall! Presently, the idea of Economic Bail-out is just to sustain the FRAUD!

Biafra will Succeed because it is an IDEA which CANNOT be Killed. I am saying this based on my ‪#‎MOSOP‬ Experience, which has led to the UNEP Report on OGONI, which sadly President Buhari is playing Nigerian Politics with. I am aware of several desperate moves by the President to frustrate the Biafra IDEA. This can be seen in the visit to Cameron with promise to perfect the Oil Rich Bakassi Penisula given to Cameron during the Civil War. Also, the ongoing Political battle by all means for the Soul of Rivers State in the political equation of the Zoo. I am aware and do condemn the GENOCIDE against the Easterners, majority of whom are Ibos.


We are in the Global Village. I respect you as a PHD Holder in Political Economics. I am a Solicitor and Advocate, as well as a Notary Public of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. I am also a Consultant Calligrapher. I know the POWER of the Social Media. I am aware of the Political Development that manifested in the NORTH, EAST and WEST components. I am aware that OGONI as a Minority Ethnic Nationality was in the Eastern enclave of the Zoo. You certainly know the Realities of the Minorities especially based on the fact that the then Eastern Government dominated by the majority Ibos, was controlled from ENUGU and the Hard Implications/Consequences manifesting in Suppression and Oppression, which was not unexpected by virtue of our being BLACK. You know these facts. The Reasons may not be too far from Mother NATURE’s Smile on the Topography of some of the Minorities, especially, the OGONIS within the Region. I have heard you made comments condemning some of the Oppressive acts, which in your thinking, may not be unconnected with some of the reasons accounting for the Failure of the Civil War on the part of the Eastern Government.
To now argue that OGONIS was and is NEVER a Distinct Minority Ethnic Nationality within then Eastern Region, is not only Wrong, FRAUDULENT but a capital AFFRONT on GOD, the Ultimate Reality. You are aware of the Resistance on the part of the major dominating Ethnic Group to give a space by way of Creation of any State from within its enclave.

We all knew what Gowon, the then Head of State of the Zoo did by way of the creation of Rivers State out of the Eastern Region. Assuming that you were in the Shoes of the Minorities then, I don’t see how your Action would have been different from the Actions of Persons like KEN SARO-WIWA, who embraced the created Rivers State. I have held certain comments from certain persons on ‪#‎Radio‬ Biafra, who evidently may not be as Educated as we are on this matter. In this light, the particular castigation and attempt to DEMONISE the person of KEN SARO-WIWA from Ogoni is NOT in the Best Interest of the current MOVE. This can create the Impression that there is a SECRET Agenda, just as we are Condemning the hidden ISLAMIC Agenda of the PMB Administration. This is because GOD HATES OPPRESSION of whatever Colour or Shade. It was Professor Chinua Achebe who said, Let the Eagle perch and let the Kite also perch, if one says No to another, let its Wings break.

No doubt, the present FIGHT for ‪#‎Self‬ Determination by ‪#‎Biafra‬ CANNOT Claim it did not benefit from the IDEAS of the OGONIS in her Confrontation with the Rulers of the Zoo. The OGONIS through KEN SARO-WIWA realizing that it CANNOT Confront the Federal Government on the Battle Field, had to intelligently pitch the Rulers of the Zoo against the International Community. As you know, this was what the Leader of ‪#‎MASSOB‬ could not do based on lack of Capacity, which you are Successfully doing presently. I am happy that you quickly abandoned the Mistake that KEN SARO-WIWA made. No doubt, you have improved tremendously on the use of the Use of the Information Super Highway High tech facilities, which have frustrated the Rulers of the Zoo.

This is a New Dawn. Whoever wants ‪#‎FREEDOM‬ MUST Love #FREEDOM of others.

--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

May GOD Almighty grant you Divine WISDOM for the Challenging Days ahead.

Thank you very kindly.

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